Saturday, October 23, 2010

ooopssst...terLewat update blog lagi ;p
(walaupun da abis syawal..ttp nk post gak)

tahun nie memang sangat2 meriah sambutan raya ak.. happy giler dapat berk
umpul dgn family, saudara mara plus myBez fren semua.. reallyBig smile everyOne.. nk proof?? tgk gambar la.. mari..!! :-D

Sekitar Syawal_2010






sekitar kemeriahan rumah terbuka SAYA..!!
~nonoChan openHouse~

Monday, August 30, 2010

first try..berjaya!!! projek ak n kakak ak wat kueh raya...ala..conflake je.. (sure pejam mata je tuk yg pakar kan) x kisah la..kami baru beli oven..nk try2..ini je kueh yg ak rasa paling mudah dan senang...naaah!! hasilnya tip top! ;D

resepinya mudah je

bahan-bahannya :-

250 grm conflake (kotak kecik)
125 grm butter (1/2 buku)
1/2 cawan gula perang
5 sudu makan madu
manik warna tuk hiasan

cara-cara :
- campurkan butter dan gula. masak atas api perlahan hingga gula larut sama butter
- masukkan conflakes ke dlm adunan yang telah cair dan masukkan madu
-gaul sampai rata
-masukkan dalam oven dan bakar selama 10-15minit/ sampai dasar kekuningan


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

buka puasa time..!!!

Finally...ape yg bole dikatakan disini adalah...terima kasih kerana belanja nasi buhara..!! perghhh...kawww punya beriani gam..gam! ;p

restoran mumbar
-igt2 lupe ejaannya
Lokasi : telawi@bangsar (opposite bangsar village)


yg ini pulak sabtu lepas...buka puasa bersama keluarga cobra.. meriah!!

Lokasi : kelana jaya

nasi kerabu uOL

Friday, August 20, 2010

Salam Ramadhan Semua ^_^

Saturday, August 7, 2010

DISCOVERY SABAH 2010 (keSabah lagi baa.. ;p)

Tarikh : 9-12 July 2010 Percutian kali nie namanya rombongan NONO (bwk dak2 netball ak)


masing2 berkumpul di KLIA- flight kul 9pagi

sampai KKIA (kotaKinabaluInternationalAirport) jam 1130pagi WelCome to Sabah..!!!

tmpt mkn pertama : oLdStation, WarisanSquare

jalan - jalan sekitar kota kinabalu, sabah

atas : ini la shopping kompleks baru di KK, sabah...ala2 Suria KLCC gitu..hehehe bawah : dinner -> Restaurant Salut...mkn seaFood baa..locationnya di tuaran!

End of Day_1

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

install flash player 10 into centos 5.x 64 bits

My preferred OS is CentOS 5 64 bits. I do all my development work and testing on my 3 Dell servers, at home. However, being an online shopping addict and passionate motorcycle rider, it happens for me to use Firefox and browse the Internet for something to rant about… beside coding. The problem is that most sites like YouTube etc. need the Flash Player for their site software. Adobe decided not to release a x64 Linux version of their most recent player, so the .i386 RPM will not work with Firefox x64, unless you use my trick.

The fix is easier then you think. Everything I’ve posted below was tested on a CentOS 5.2 x64 Gnome environment. Let’s fix that Flash Player to run on 64 bits, shall we?

1. Start by installing those libraries (.i386 and .x86_64):
# yum install curl compat-libstdc++-33 glibc nspluginwrapper

2. Once done with the kitchen work, it is time to install the Flash Player RPM.
# rpm -ivh /tmp/flash-plugin-

3. Close all Firefox windows and open a new one. In the address bar, type:

Friday, July 2, 2010


wink* wink...*
ape yg terjadi beberapa hari nie agak pelik tetapi benar..(kot)
Sebenarnya ape la motif die ek?? happy actually..
seriusly u make me smile dis weekend..hehehe ;p

cuma xtau nk kata ape (padahal hati duk curius..sgt curius bai)
think positive..mayb rezeki lebey kan..

(habis la pasni ak plak kena..tudududu)

stay focus nono...!! jgn mudah terpedaya...
(ya..dats y myFace don hv feeling)

adakah die...?
tp...adakah ak...?

wut can i say is
im speechLess!

p/s : List masih sama bilangannya...cuma kali nie ranking ada berubah sikit..
mcm bermusim nie musim durian kot..hahahaha ;p

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Seri Mega, KL
batch (92-98)

20 June 2010
Loc : Air Terjun, Kemensah (Belakang Zoo Negara)

Setelah hampir 10-14 tahun x jmpe masing2, akhirnya kami buat satu perjumpaan...ak salah sorang dari MT..hehehe..alhamdulillah berjaya juga program ini..insyaallah ada rezeki dan kesempatan akan kami buat lagi aktiviti begini.

LUV U GUYS.. ^_^

Saturday, June 12, 2010

DALAM KENANGAN : 12 JUNE 2010 I LOVE DIS CAT SOOO MUCH!!! sedih dan pilu...mama n abah pun nmpk kesedihan kat muka diaorg..huhuhu niaw2 nie da mati coz sakit. 4 hari menghilangkn diri but finally balik jugak u..mayb nk mati kt umah rasanya...tapi hanya bertahan beberapa hari je..myCat kena jangkitan virus pada lehernya smpi bengkak, klimaks bile bengkak tuh pecah..darah dan bernanah..myDad n myMom berusaha menyelamatkan niaw2, but finally subuh td die pass away...namun smlm smpai sahut panggilan ak..huhuhu..sgt sedih.. niaw2 nie la kenangan paling bez sepanjang ak bela kucing..mayb die la yg paling dekat ngan ak dan family ak..hensomeBoy, c gemuk..sume panggilan die.. ape pun,

Monday, May 31, 2010


Finally dapat juga ak ke sini...huhu kalau ikutkan hati dah lama dah ak daki bukit nie..memandangkan diri ini masih dibawah umur, terpaksala bersabar ;-D

Fuhh!!! penat jugak mendaki walaupun hanya 400m ketinggiannya.
Pengalaman yang menarik tuk dikongsi ^_^

Pastikan anda tidak keseorangan ketika mendaki ya!!

"Take nothing but photographs!. Leave nothing but footsteps!"

Monday, April 5, 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

6ixth Sense
Tak Bisa Memilihmu lyrics

Telah jauh terpisah, diriku dan dirimu,
Dalam ruang dan waktu,
Sendiriku jalani sepiku, tanpa dirimu,
Resahku tanpa hadirmu,
Sungguh berat hatiku untuk merasakannya

Salahku mencintai dirinya saat jauhku terpisah
Darimu, Dan hadirnya menyentuh hatiku,
Ku cintainya,
Hatiku pun inginkannya,
Hingga runtuh setiaku kepada dirimu

Kusakiti hatimu yang tulus mencintaiku

Maaf ku tak bisa memilih dirimu
Karena kuterhanyut mencintai dia
Inilah salahku yang memberi ruang
Didalam hatiku tuk mencintainya...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How Did Marilyn Monroe Die?

Many of the events surrounding actress Marilyn Monroe's death on the night of 4 August, 1962 remain a mystery to this day, but a few facts are not in dispute. Marilyn Monroe's primary cause of death was a lethal overdose of prescription barbiturates, although the first police officer to arrive on the scene did not observe the vomiting or convulsive posturing typically associated with a drug overdose. He also noted the lack of a drinking glass in Monroe's bedroom, which would have been essential for swallowing such a lethal amount of barbiturates. Nevertheless, a preliminary coroner's report listed her death as a "probable suicide," a finding which has led to years of speculation and conspiracy theories.

A convincing argument can be made for Marilyn Monroe actually taking her own life. She spent nearly all of her childhood and early adolescence in foster homes, then entered into a marriage of convenience at age 16. By the time she was discovered by Hollywood producers, Marilyn Monroe had already found herself involved in scandalous affairs with much older men and other sad realities of the Hollywood studio system. Even her success as a mainstream Hollywood actress and marriage to a sports legend did not seem to bring Marilyn Monroe true personal happiness. Allegedly, she had attempted suicide several times during the 1940s and 1950s, incidents which were largely kept out of the press by studio publicists.

By 1962, Marilyn Monroe's career was said to be slipping away. The studio system which had promoted her in the past now considered her to be a liability. Monroe's last movies were not commercially successful, and her behavior on the set of her unfinished film Something's Got to Give had become very erratic. A second marriage had also failed, and Monroe spent some time in a psychiatric hospital in 1961. Monroe did have access to large quantities of Nembutal, a barbiturate she often used (or abused) as a sleep aid. The idea that Marilyn Monroe committed suicide by ingesting an overdose of Nembutal and chloral hydrate, another sedative prescribed by her psychiatrist, could be seen as an unfortunate end to a very troubled life.

There are others who suggest that Marilyn Monroe's death was the result of an accidental drug interaction, caused primarily by a lack of communication between Monroe's internist and psychiatrist. By 1962, Monroe had developed an addiction to Nembutal, but she agreed to let her psychiatrist wean her off the medication by switching to chloral hydrate, a less addictive form of sleeping pill. It has been suggested, however, that Marilyn Monroe secretly continued taking Nembutal, and her internist had provided a refill only days before her death. Neither doctor was apparently aware of the other's actions concerning Monroe's addiction. When she took both medications at the same time, a fatal drug interaction occurred. The secrecy surrounding her death may have been an effort to protect the reputations of the internist and psychiatrist who failed to coordinate their efforts concerning the care of Marilyn Monroe.

A third theory suggests that Marilyn Monroe was murdered in order to guarantee her silence. Through a mutual friend, Monroe met John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert, and rumors of sexual affairs with both men ran rampant through the tabloids. If Monroe had indeed been privy to sensitive political matters, she may have become a liability to the president or his politically ambitious younger brother. A neighbor who lived next to Monroe's bungalow testified that she saw Robert Kennedy and two other men enter the house the night of Monroe's death around 7pm, and one man was said to be carrying a black medical bag. Although subsequent examinations did not reveal injection marks, the fatal drug combination could have been administered rectally through an enema bag. This would explain the lack of drinking water and the lack of identifiable pills in Monroe's stomach and intestines.

Whether or not Marilyn Monroe's death was self-inflicted, accidental or a criminal act, it was a tragic end to a Hollywood icon's fascinating life. Within a few years of Marilyn Monroe's death, the studio system which created and promoted her would also fade away, leaving Marilyn Monroe's many fans to wonder what she might have accomplished in the post-studio era had she lived.

...storyToShare by nonoChan...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Chile Earthquake May Have Shortened Days on Earth

The massive 8.8 earthquake that struck Chile may have changed the entire Earth's rotation and shortened the length of days on our planet, a NASA scientist said Monday.

The quake, the seventh strongest earthquake in recorded history, hit Chile Saturday and should have shortened the length of an Earth day by 1.26 milliseconds, according to research scientist Richard Gross at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.

"Perhaps more impressive is how much the quake shifted Earth's axis," NASA officials said in a Monday update.

The computer model used by Gross and his colleagues to determine the effects of the Chile earthquake effect also found that it should have moved Earth's figure axis by about 3 inches (8 cm or 27 milliarcseconds).

The Earth's figure axis is not the same as its north-south axis, which it spins around once every day at a speed of about 1,000 mph (1,604 kph).

The figure axis is the axis around which the Earth's mass is balanced. It is offset from the Earth's north-south axis by about 33 feet (10 meters).

Strong earthquakes have altered Earth's days and its axis in the past. The 9.1 Sumatran earthquake in 2004, which set off a deadly tsunami, should have shortened Earth's days by 6.8 microseconds and shifted its axis by about 2.76 inches (7 cm, or 2.32 milliarcseconds).

One Earth day is about 24 hours long. Over the course of a year, the length of a day normally changes gradually by one millisecond. It increases in the winter, when the Earth rotates more slowly, and decreases in the summer, Gross has said in the past.

The Chile earthquake was much smaller than the Sumatran temblor, but its effects on the Earth are larger because of its location. Its epicenter was located in the Earth's mid-latitudes rather than near the equator like the Sumatran event.

The fault responsible for the 2010 Chile quake also slices through Earth at a steeper angle than the Sumatran quake's fault, NASA scientists said.

"This makes the Chile fault more effective in moving Earth's mass vertically and hence more effective in shifting Earth's figure axis," NASA officials said.

Gross said his findings are based on early data available on the Chile earthquake. As more information about its characteristics are revealed, his prediction of its effects will likely change.

The Chile earthquake has killed more than 700 people and caused widespread devastation in the South American country.

Several major telescopes in Chile's Atacama Desert have escaped damage, according to the European Southern Observatory managing them.

A salt-measuring NASA satellite instrument destined to be installed on an Argentinean satellite was also undamaged in the earthquake, JPL officials said.

The Aquarius instrument was in the city of Bariloche, Argentina, where it is being installed in the Satelite de Aplicaciones Cientificas (SAC-D) satellite. The satellite integration facility is about 365 miles (588 km) from the Chile quake's epicenter.

The Aquarius instrument is designed to provide monthly global maps of the ocean's salt concentration in order to track current circulation and its role in climate change.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

100 tahun sekolah rendah kebangsaan SERI MEGA

batch 1992-1998

bersama cikgu roslin yg masih setia di seri mega..huhu..walaupun die igt2 lupa cikgu nie la org yg mula2 mengajar ak membaling bola..yea..bola baling..!

selepas 12 tahun...kami kembali semula di sini..! x sangka dah 100 thun penubuhan sek nie...having a great down to memory after melawat sekolah rendah...ronda2 bilik darjah..padang sek..dulu ak lumba bola baling..perghh...sgt merindui saat itu~ walaupun beberapa kerat je yg dtg..but actually its fun! bile tgk budak2 lari sana sini..teringt zaman kanak2 dulu..huhu..nie la kantin sekolah yg slalu ak melantak tym rehat..huhu..sekolah ak masih seperti dulu...juz ada tambah skit2 yg baru..cikgu kitaorg yg dulu2 pun ada la dua 3 kerat yg tinggal..huhuh..owh...i miss my kid life!!!! :-D

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

i love skyTrex!!!

Tarikh : 20 Feb 2010
Lokasi : Bukit Cerakah, Shah Alam

tangga yang sangat puaka!

botol air tetap peneman setia yea! beg color merah tuh..rm5 sewa ;p

total 17 participant yg join

titian maut katanya!
mula2 gerun bile dah lalu..ditambah dgn skill yg ada,
alahai...eaaasynya!! wahkahkah

kena la menaiki bas yang disediakan...dlm 3km gak nk smpi destinasi skyTrex tuh..sempat gak la nk usha2 dak nek turun basikal sepanjang perjalanan..opss!

one of da 21 extreme challenges..
package yang diambil ialah Extreme Challenge..
price rm40.50 (coz more than 10 org dpt diskaun 10%)

For more info :